Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Pics Forthcoming!

I know you don't believe me, but they seriously are. I actually got them off the camera, I just need to resize them (lol, 2816x2112 images) and then they'll be up! For reals! I even promise no nudie pictures of myself, no matter how strong the temptation or demand might be.

Anyway, been busy at work for the last while, with preproduction coming to an end next week. Then on to the "real" work, which shouldn't be as bad as the last project. We're entering production at about 85% capacity (like we're supposed to) as opposed to the (according to my rough estimates) 200% capacity on The Sims. I'm more relaxed already.

Tomorrow (today? since it's past midnight) is also the first game of the EA Ball Hockey League. Somehow I ended up as captain of my team, so we'll see how that goes!